Roopali Joshi
8 Sep 2023

Which is the Right EDI Software For Your Business?

Electronic Data Interchange, or EDI, plays an essential role in helping your operations run smoothly in today’s fast-paced business world. Businesses rely on this tool to exchange essential documents like invoices, purchase orders and shipping notices quickly with minimal errors. An EDI service is the keystone of business automation that ensures processes run seamlessly and keeps operations moving along without disruptions. Finding the right EDI software for the business can be like searching for a needle in a haystack; with so many choices out there tailored specifically to individual needs, it can be easy to become overwhelmed.

Therefore, making an informed choice of choosing an EDI services provider  that aligns with your company’s specific goals and requirements is vitally important. In this blog post we aim to help you in this decision-making journey from understanding what your business requires through analyzing software features, costs considerations and compliance considerations. 

Table of Contents

What Is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)?

Electronic Data Interchange, commonly referred to as EDI, refers to the electronic exchange of business documents between companies using a standard electronic format. Simply put, it replaces paper-based transactions like purchase orders or invoices and saves both time and effort by automating them instead. By automating such processes organizations can save both time and eliminate costly human processing errors caused by manual transactions.

EDI transactions involve information being transferred directly between computer applications within two organizations. EDI standards define where and how data should be presented in an electronically document format, making data sharing much faster than it would otherwise take via paper documents or other methods.

Industries use EDI integration to share various documents — from purchase orders and invoices, requests for quotations and loan applications — between trading partners. Most often these organizations exchange goods and services frequently as part of their supply chains or business-to-business networks (B2B).

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Core Components of EDI

Electronic Data Interchange, or EDI, can transform your company by streamlining data transmission and automating business processes; making your organization more agile, efficient and pleasant to do business with. But just how does EDI work? A valid question. Below are five core components to keep in mind when considering different EDI options.

  1. Flexible Communication

Each potential trading partner will require their own mode of communication ranging from secure FTP, AS2 communication protocols and Value Added Networks – ensure your EDI solution can meet these diverse needs now and into the future.

  1. Automatic Translation

Your EDI solution must have the ability to automatically validate and process received documents according to industry standards without needing human intervention, including compliance checks as well as sending Functional Acknowledgments (FAs).

  1. Straightforward Data Management

Maintaining reliable and consistent data exchange with trading partners requires ongoing management and attention, but with an efficient EDI solution this process should be streamlined and simplified. A user-friendly dashboard equipped with alerts allows for effortless oversight of EDI transactions while quickly detecting and solving any potential issues as soon as they arise.

  1. Seamless Integration

To ensure seamless automation of your business processes, it is critical that your EDI managed services integrate seamlessly with software such as an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP), Warehouse Management System (WMS), Transportation Management System (TMS), or other pertinent applications. An experienced partner can assist in this integration effort – automating workflows while eliminating manual data entry processes.

  1. Accurate Mapping

Converting EDI data into formats easily understood and utilized by your back office systems requires translating it, a process known as EDI mapping. Many Top EDI providers offer mapping  so it’s essential to take this into consideration when comparing solutions or providers.

How EDI Works?

All EDI transactions are defined by message standards. To ensure quality data processing, governance processes for data quality must be in place – otherwise missing or incorrect data could prevent proper processing of an EDI document.

Standards form the cornerstone of electronic data interchange (EDI).1 A variety of organizations establish these EDI message standards, including ODETTE, TRADACOMS, GS1, Peppol and Accredited Standard Committee X12 (ASC X12).

There are two basic forms of EDI transmission:

Point-to-point or direct connections: Two computers or systems connect without an intermediary via the internet using secure protocols, usually without mail boxing paradigms. 

Value-added network (VAN): Third party networks manage data transmission with mailboxing paradigms as their core service model.

So, Internet-based transmission protocols used for EDI data include Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), Applicability Statement 2 or AS2, an HTTPS-based protocol, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), among others. Data elements in an EDI document include sender ID and receiver ID as well as data segments that combine related elements into larger groups – for instance FNAME and LNAME can combine to form CUSTERNAME.

Envelopes provide structure for various data types while carrying sender and receiver address details. Furthermore, document flow or message flow describes the movement of messages between inbound and outbound addresses/departments during an execution of business process or transaction.

Why to Invest in an EDI Software Solutions?

EDI transactions are the cornerstone of B2B processes and remain an invaluable way for businesses of all sizes to exchange documents and transactions electronically.

There are five significant reasons to invest in  EDI technology 

  1. EDI services provider saves both time and money through automating a process previously conducted manually with paper documents. Utilizing this solution increases efficiency and productivity as more business documents can be shared more quickly with increased accuracy.
  2. EDI data transfer eliminates errors through rigorous standardization, which helps ensure information and data are formatted appropriately before they enter business processes or applications.
  3. Integrating electronic documents with various IT systems helps enhance traceability and reporting capabilities. Electronic documents can be integrated with various IT solutions to support data collection, visibility, and analysis.
  4. EDI automation by EDI provider contributes to positive customer experiences by providing for efficient transaction execution and prompt, reliable product and service delivery.
  5. For large organizations, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) allows organizations to set standards across trading partners to achieve consistent benefits. Smaller organizations may find adherence to EDI provides greater integration with larger firms with bigger budgets and strong influences.

Finding the Right EDI Software Solution To Meet Your Business Needs

Finding the appropriate EDI Software solutions can be challenging, with no one-size-fits-all option available to businesses. But with so many on-premises, cloud-based, managed/unmanaged or web-based options to consider it can become overwhelming – don’t panic though; here are a few brief explanations which should put you on the path towards finding the Best EDI Solutions for your business!

On-Premise Versus Cloud On-premise

EDI software can be installed directly onto your company servers while cloud-based EDI solutions reside on those of your providers. Cloud-based software, commonly referred to as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), means you no longer have to manage or maintain it yourself – you effectively “rent” it from the provider and access it on demand via the internet, while they handle updates, upgrades, and bug fixes – saving both time and money in maintenance fees and time spent updating software yourself.

On-premises software presents greater management challenges, but as you “own” it and have full control of its customization, you have total freedom in controlling it to your business’s needs.

Managed Vs Unmanaged

A managed EDI solution handles everything for you – from onboarding, data mapping and ongoing management – whereas an unmanaged one requires you to take on all these responsibilities yourself.

If your document volumes are expected to exceed expectations, or your back office system requires complicated integration efforts, or you lack the internal capacity for managing EDI yourself, a managed solution may be appropriate. Just ensure you can easily bring everything back under your own management if required!

Web-Based EDI

The Web- Based EDI is an efficient and Complete EDI Solution for companies expecting to exchange few documents (under 200/month) with less than five trading partners. Implementation can occur immediately without needing for back office integration; data from trading partners will appear as easily digestible web pages and you can respond through an intuitive browser interface.

What Is an EDI Provider?

An EDI provider is any organization that offers electronic data interchange (EDI) software and/or services to businesses, usually under managed or self-service packages. While different providers may specialize in particular capabilities or markets segments, they all allow companies to exchange standardized data among trading partners such as suppliers, manufacturers and eCommerce websites.

EDI providers that excel show that EDI services go far beyond being simply data formats. An exceptional EDI service provider will deliver agility, visibility, and transparency that enable governance processes such as onboarding, management, visibility and governance for its clients – not to mention demonstrate how EDI processes can become key revenue-generation engines and lead to understanding the importance of modern EDI services. While some might regard that as progress, others see only another hurdle on their journey towards greatness.

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Types of EDI Software Service Providers

Although there are only five main categories of EDI Providers, each provides similar services under various names:

  • EDI broker
  • Fully managed EDI service provider
  • EDI solution providers
  • EDI outsourcing / B2B managed services
  • EDI broker

Let’s review each of the previously-mentioned EDI Service providers and then find one or more that meet the requirements of your organization.

Although many may mistake an EDI VAN provider for an EDI broker, their terms do not refer to similar services; we have published a comparison blog between brokers and VANs that may help clarify any confusion over this subject matter.

So while an EDI broker provides VAN networks or might connect to several VAN networks where necessary, they also provide other services. Most EDI brokers offer translation for different formats – which is an especially valuable service as documents must adhere to different sets of guidelines depending on which standard or format is being used – along with validation services that support 2500+ formats on average.

Very few EDI brokers also provide non-EDI, an increasingly rare service. Non-EDI involves sending an EDI message as PDF document that can then be emailed (PDF2XML) directly to trading partners who do not yet have their EDI messaging set up.

Who are EDI Brokers appropriate for?

Most EDI brokers charge transaction, implementation and set-up fees similar to VAN providers; however their charges tend to be higher due to offering more services. Therefore if your integrations are complex then using indirect EDI with a broker would work best.

However, if you will be exchanging many messages at once, consider hybrid EDI with an EDI broker for certain transactions. Your trading partners might require VAN connections; an EDI broker may help arrange this.

  • Fully Managed EDI Service Provider

A fully managed EDI service provider offers end-to-end EDI solutions from cloud solutions and specialists through translation into different standards and transmission of EDI messages to business partners. EDI specialists may assist with trading partner mapping, ERP integration and customizations as well as day-to-day messaging involving error handling and resolutions.

Your business could benefit from outsourcing its EDI function entirely to a fully managed EDI service provider, with some offering integration platforms for transmitting messages while others connect to an EDI VAN or operate their own network for exchanging EDI messages.

Who are Fully Managed EDI Service Providers Ideal for?

If your goal is to free up resources by outsourcing an entire function, a Fully Managed EDI Service Provider could be ideal. However, full visibility and control may become challenging with outsourced EDI messaging as costs could increase as well as difficulty in onboarding the necessary talent – EDI outsourcing could provide this additional resource if necessary.

  • Provider of Electronic Data Interchange Solutions

EDI solution providers specialize in developing and maintaining the software required for electronic data interchange (EDI), providing implementation assistance as well as onboarding/training services – To-Increase’s EDI Studio is one such example of such a service offered.

An organization must employ in-house EDI specialists to manage daily EDI messaging, error handling, and integration with other systems. These specialists will receive training from their EDI solution provider as well as some support depending on their contract with this vendor.

Who Should Consider an EDI Solution Provider?

If you want full control, complete EDI Solutions and total visibility over your EDI messaging, investing in an EDI Solution may be right for you. Direct connectivity between trading partners may suffice if your exchange of messages is limited; but for more complex integration needs or large volumes of exchange, an indirect scenario using an EDI broker or VAN service might be better suited for you as previously discussed.

  • Value-added Network Providers

According to Investopedia, value-added networks or VANs (value-added network in short) provide companies with a safe way of sharing data among themselves.” Therefore a VAN Provider, also referred to as an EDI broker can easily transmit communications between private networks or cloud-based EDI providers pre-connected to trading partner communities.

VANs add value to the process by providing an outsourced network that securely links organizations with their trading partners worldwide. They serve as mailbox services, transmitting documents directly to mapped trading partner mailboxes; in addition, hosted VAN providers are preconnected with trading partner communities for smooth communications between private networks or cloud-based top EDI providers and trading partner communities.

Some EDI VANs offer data services such as data backup and recovery. Others also provide document mapping, compliance auditing, basic auditing, reporting services to track your EDI system’s performance.

Who Needs a VAN Provider?

If your trading partners are located around the world and you don’t have enough bandwidth to keep every connection active, then utilizing a VAN Provider for message transmission might be ideal.

  • EDI outsourcing / B2B managed services

EDI Outsourcing/ B2B Managed Services can assist with staffing for your organization’s EDI messaging. As it can be difficult to find qualified resources for EDI work, these specialists manage all day-to-day EDI messaging as well as integration between ERPs/other systems and your messaging, any exception or error handling or resolution processes and more – leaving your staff free for other projects within your business.

Who Is an Ideal User for EDI Outsourcing?

Outsourcing can be an excellent interim solution if your organization already uses an EDI solution in-house but does not yet have an expert EDI specialist on board. Before making your choice, however, be sure to outline and assess your organization’s requirements as well as the services provided by any potential providers – some specialists might help with customer mapping, integration with other systems, setting up messaging as well as customer mapping but may only be comfortable working with one type of software solution whereas an expert should quickly learn other systems quickly before selecting their service provider.

How to choose the right EDI outsourcing Partner?

What type of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Software Solution would work best for your organization?

Well, this question can be very tricky as EDI can be a confusing world filled with acronyms and numerous providers offering various services, making it hard to decipher what would work for your business. But taking one step at a time, once you understand all the terminology and standards associated with your needs as an organization you can decide upon an EDI service provider that best meets them based on which mix.

If you prefer having full visibility and control of your EDI messaging in-house with full visibility and control of it, or have the resources, an in-house EDI solution provider should be considered. An integrated solution may help significantly streamline all document exchange. You would also require translation services for other EDI standards as well as accessing VAN networks; alternatively, connecting with an EDI broker for both may be worth your while.

EDI outsourcing may be right for your organization if you want a fully managed EDI Service Provider that handles everything from customer support to translating EDI messages, while still giving you visibility and control of your messaging. However, visibility will likely be limited due to reduced control.

Are You Wondering If your EDI Software Solution Provider Legit?

Before making a decision about an EDI software solutions provider we advise conducting extensive research. When interviewing companies we recommend asking the following critical questions when evaluating them:

  1. Can I See a Demo?

This question may seem obvious, but you will want to observe an EDI solution in action before making your choice. Take note of every step from setup through mapping and data management as well as looking for an intuitive yet user-friendly dashboard with simple functions for finding information quickly or designing workflows for different user groups and users.

  1. Ask them to Provide examples of how your solution handles errors.

Errors cost money, damage relationships and generate additional work for all involved. Your EDI interface should provide live transaction status updates, alert for every potential problem and allow for search/repair functionality so documents can be resent in seconds.

  1. Is Your Solution Customizable for My Needs?

Your solution must be adaptable and responsive to the ever-evolving business requirements, including being easy for you to set rules and settings without custom coding – this no-code functionality lowers total cost of ownership while eliminating hidden fees!

  1. What Are Your Solution’s Security Capabilities?

There’s no point asking, “Is Your Solution Secure?,” as that will result in an affirmative answer. Instead, explore its specific capabilities: encrypting databases or offering role-based security restrictions are good places to start when considering the security of any solution.

Want an EDI Solutions for your innovative business? Consult our experts


Selecting a right EDI software solution for your business can have significant ramifications on its efficiency, customer connections and ultimately the bottom line. As we move toward our conclusion of this guide, remember to understand your business needs, explore all features available within an EDI solution as well as consider costs when making this important decision.

Be mindful that there is no single right solution when it comes to EDI software; what works for one company may differ significantly from what suits another based on industry, size, and individual demands. By following the steps we’ve laid out here, we hope that our guide can assist in making an informed decision that positions your business for success in the digital era.

EDI technology is continually advancing and your needs may shift over time, so be alert for new tech that could come your way and continue refining your EDI processes to stay ahead of the competition. Selecting a right EDI software solution provider like EDI service providers in USA  shouldn’t just be seen as a business decision but an investment into your organization’s future success.


What Is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), and Why is It Crucial For Modern Businesses?

EDI technology allows businesses to electronically exchange important documents like purchase orders and invoices with partners and customers. This significantly streamlines operations while simultaneously reducing errors and increasing efficiency. By automating processes that were once time-consuming and error-prone with EDI you can streamline processes that were once costly – ultimately increasing profitability and improving bottom lines.

How can I determine my business’s unique EDI requirements?

For you to decide the appropriate Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) needs, begin by reviewing your current processes and identifying areas where manual data entry or paper-based systems are causing bottlenecks. Consider your long-term goals, growth plans, industry requirements (for instance in healthcare you will require HIPAA compliant software) as well as individual needs when choosing an EDI solution that suits you perfectly. Getting to know yourself better and your unique requirements is the first step toward selecting an ideal solution!

What features should be sought out when looking for an EDI software program, and why are they important?

Critical features for an EDI system are scalability, integration capabilities, data mapping tools, security measures, real-time monitoring capabilities and vendor support. Scalability ensures your EDI can keep up with your business and integrates seamlessly with existing systems. Also, data mapping tools facilitate translating between formats seamlessly. And, security features protect sensitive information while real-time monitoring helps track transactions; while vendor support guarantees smooth operations when needed.

What are the various EDI software solutions available, and how can I select one for my business?

There are various EDI solutions, from on-premises and cloud-based implementations, managed services and hybrid options, depending on factors like budget, IT infrastructure and specific requirements. Cloud-based options tend to offer greater scalability and cost effectiveness while on-premises solutions provide greater control. Managed services offload EDI management duties onto experts while hybrid options combine their benefits for maximum impact in unique cases. Assess your unique situation to select the optimal option.

How can I evaluate EDI software vendors and ensure I make an informed decision?

Evaluating vendors requires researching their reputation, reading user reviews and requesting product demos or trials. Consider factors like vendor stability, EDI support availability and track record in serving businesses in your industry. Furthermore, contact existing customers for references so you can gain more insights into their experiences. It is crucial that the vendor meets your business requirements reliably and meets them successfully.

How much does EDI software typically cost, and can I budget effectively for its purchase?

Cost of EDI software varies depending on factors like solution type, transaction volume and support services provided. Pricing models include subscription-based fees as well as transaction and licensing fees. To budget effectively for an EDI implementation or upgrade project, calculate its total cost of ownership (TCO), including software costs as well as implementation, training and ongoing maintenance fees – and ensure it matches with your business’s ability to maintain and expand EDI capabilities over time.

Roopali Joshi


As the COO, Roopali Joshi is a strategic leader with a wealth of experience in operational excellence and organizational growth. Her focus on optimizing processes and fostering a collaborative work environment drives efficiency and innovation across the company, ensuring sustainable growth and success.

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