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Ecommerce (Travel)

How A3Logics developed an intuitive and responsive eCommerce
platform that strengthens confidence, sustainability, and profitability?


To dispense the preeminent, uncomplicated, all travel-related information from prearrangement to post, our travel and accommodation service provider client wanted a versatile, secure, and dependable platform to furnish a memorable experience.

Our client offered 90 thousand accommodations listed, inclusive of 40 thousand homes, apartments, and other unique places to stay. Moreover, the agency is tied up with airlines, bus services, train reservation services, and taxi/cab pick and drop services.

The company also has more than 8,000 employees to cater to services at all times. This travel company also has a dedicated support team to assist their customers 24X7 for any inconvenience.

Where travel is rapidly booming, and people want to book everything from the comfort of their home, and they find it all on one platform, what’s better than this? With time more and more people have turned to book tickets and hotels online, unlike in past years.

Hence, managing the overwhelming distinct types of requests seamlessly is possible with a robust, flexible, and agile system. Associating with A3Logics for their dataset management was made extremely easy, along with an integrated chatbot to manage a majority of post-sales queries.

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Our Approach

The client’s company was facing the following issues before they reached A3Logics for a robust solution –

Diminished Mobile User Experience

With people turning to mobile devices to access every piece of information and take action through these handheld devices, companies like travel & accommodation solution providers still opting for web pages will never be able to deliver the best possible experience to their users. Our client was dealing with the same problem.

Single System for Multiple Team Sharing

With requests of hundreds and thousands of bookings per day, our clients faced a major challenge, which was their constant monitoring. Moreover, the company lacked the requisite collaboration within teams to maintain the quality of service.

Unidentified Problems of User

Prior to implementing the solutions of A3Logics, our client had messy management of a plethora of inquiries and suggestions. They were also unable to react and respond to the customers with issues regarding their services.

No Alert on Server Rebooting

Since the organization is large with huge data and information to keep, the company manages multiple servers. Unfortunately, their servers pulled out random rebooting without providing a prior alert to the company’s administration, leading to data loss, service corruption, or breaking of functionality.

Demand for Personalization

Any platform is successful when your customer is satisfied. Our client was struggling to harness and maintain customer attention. The versatility of content was lacking within the company.

Complex and Fragile Scripting

The traditional platform that our client was using tools that were less secure, complicated, offered slow rollouts, redundant, and became fragile when multiple clusters got involved.

Our Solutions

After a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the client’s problems and issues faced, we came up with the below-mentioned solutions, which proved productive for his business as well as his customers.

To enhance user experience on handheld devices (Android), we suggested and built progressive apps saving the user from downloading and installing megabytes. We also integrated service workers API to eradicate connectivity issues, empower modern web apps, and engage users in more intimate ways.

Additionally, adding two basic elements, new viewport meta content property, and new values for padding CSS property allowed us to accommodate our client’s website to take full advantage of the edge-to-edge display of the flagship iOS notch mobile devices.

To provide a whole new solution for our client with new features integrated without worrying about the infrastructure was a challenge. Hence, our dedicated software development team had to cast a brief look at major systems & platforms used. Nonetheless, the technical part, maintaining a healthy working environment without conflicts, is vital. We helped the employees of our client into the reliability and product team with a split of responsibilities.

As a part of our IT consultation service, we ensured that every employee offered their time when needed by others or to perform activities, such as capacity planning, dependency management, server upgrades, monitoring, traffic load balancing & similar more.

Technologies & Tools Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React
  • Vue
  • Angular
  • jQuery
  • Android development
  • Windows App
  • iOS development

With the help of our developers and data scientists, we were able to deploy a chatbot that can evaluate the user input at a granular level and provide a possible answer to their queries. Below are a few of the solution benefits. Take a look

  • Single Screen Itinerary with Calendar Sync
  • Self-booking with express checkout
  • Unlimited users with respective roles and permissions
  • Profile management, travel spend tracking & traveller tracking
  • Potential savings alert & existing booking warnings
Stats That Defines


Our Results


faster than traditional online booking tool


Fewer clicks are required to make a booking


Growth of their database


Savings on client’s business travel expenses


A3Logics designers and developers can develop a feature-rich customized eCommerce solution for customers as per their business needs. They underline the problems, whether back-end or front-end or UI/UX based or server-based, with a thorough analysis to provide the best possible solution to it.

A3Logics also follows agile development methods and approaches for on-time delivery of the product after regress testing to eradicate any loophole and smooth functioning of all features ingrained within the software.

If you are struggling with similar challenges with your traditional eCommerce and are willing to scale speedily, allow us to aid you with our enterprise-grade eCommerce software services that can restructure and modernize your entire process, thereby enhancing the booking and travel experiences of your customers.

A3Logics developers invested in learning technology to empower businesses by leveraging them to connect with the world and enable their customers to create memorable experiences. We are open to accommodating brands and entrepreneurs of all sizes to reach a global audience and grow their businesses. Hence our solutions are versatile and cost-effective and satisfy everyone. To know more about our services, please inbox us.