Guide to  EDI 834 -  Important facts you need to know for Managing Open Enrollment Efficiently

Data on health insurance claim payments is electronically transmitted between insurance companies and healthcare providers via an EDI 834 file.

History of EDI 834 Files

EDI 834 files were created in the 1990's as a result of efforts to update the paperwork system.

Key Players in the EDI 834 Game

1. Employers & Government  Agencies  2. Health Plans 3. Insurance Agencies   4. Third-Party    Administrators 5. Software Providers

Benefits of EDI 834 Transactions

1. Faster payments  2. Improved     accuracy 3. Cost savings   4. Automation 5. Enhanced audit trails

Insurance company creates EDI 834 file

How Does EDI 834 Work?

Transmission via EDI Network

Provider Receives and Processes the File

Automated Payment Posting

The Power of EDI 834 in Benefits Enrollment

1. Streamlined processing of new members joining a health plan  2. Member Changes 3. Reinstatement of Benefits    4. Smooth     Disenrollments

 EDI 834 opens the door to a more convenient enrollment process for all parties by enabling  seamless data interchange in USA Healthcare System.